Ko Mahi'ai Makeke - Hawaiian for "Our market, we are farmers." This farmers produce, food, and craft market allows kama'aina and visitors alike to meet the locals behind the vegetables, fruits and crafts. Find out what the names or fruits you have seen but do not know how to prepare them (or sometimes pronounce them for that matter). Start out with your favorite donut at the beginning, maybe catch a Hawaiian song, and stroll through the market to meet vendors happy to answer questions and just chat. This is Maui, this is aloha, and even better when you take home fresh produce from the locals themselves. Sometimes there is the coconut guy ready to open one for you to drink and eat its fruit right there. Mahalo and aloha.
Musicians who are interested in singing with the live music (guitarist Sharon & fiddler Susan) from 8am till 9:30am, please call Sharon at 510-517-9969. It's a fun time.
Time: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Cost: Free
Categories: Outdoor or Beach Event, FREE, Food & Beverage, Craft Fairs / Hobbies, Music / Concerts, Farmers Market
Kukui Mall in Kihei located at 1819 S Kihei Rd, Kihei, HI 96753 in South Maui
Phone: 808-365-9653 Website: http://kukuimallmaui.com/
Kukui Mall is on South Kihei Road across from the Kihei Fire Station.
Location Specifics: market in rear parking area
Contact: Kehaunani King Phone: 808-359-9103
Email: Website: https://www.komahiaimakeke.net/